Lucie Procházková

Lucie Procházková

I enjoy advancing the world of human capital and corporate culture. I have a passion for innovative solutions and aim to establish HR as a valuable business partner. I am a strong advocate of resolving disputes through mediation techniques, which benefits both my professional and personal life.

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About me

Personal introduction

Adult education is a field that I studied, but also an area that I see as very important. Setting up the right development for your employees, especially key and talented ones, is one way to stay competitive and engaged.

High engagement goes hand-in-hand with high performance, and of course, the reverse is also true. Thanks to my experience, which I have gained mainly from FMCG and technology companies, I can guide managers towards an approach that turns good teams into great ones.

I like to support and develop aspiring managers and am very happy to work with senior leaders and board members to create a company culture that is sustainable for the future.

I like change, especially change that benefits not only the company but also its people. Implementing HR systems, setting new strategic pillars, and putting them into practice, whether it’s performance reviews, well-being, diversity and inclusion, or smaller projects focused on communication, onboarding, or introducing new benefits, are areas I’m happy to help with.

Good relationships are one of the main reasons people stay in a job. Long-neglected conflict can grow into aversion and subsequently damage the employer’s reputation. As an accredited mediator with the Association of Mediators of the Czech Republic, I am able to resolve conflicts in the workplace, with departing employees, and with suppliers or business partners. Together, we will find a solution that all parties are satisfied with.

Have you already had experience with mediation at work?

I’m an adventurous person. I like to make things happen, not only at work but also in my personal life. I enjoy constantly trying new things, learning new sports, experiencing new cultures, and generally pushing my comfort zone. For example, I have recently become a scuba diver, learned to surf, cross-country ski, survive in nature with minimal supplies, paint a picture, and fall off a scooter without injury. Nature and good food are the best relaxation for me.

Lucie Procházková

External People Advisor & Mediator

Lucie Procházková

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