Recruitment Services

Recruitment Services


Over 400 positions filled in dozens of companies

Throughout our career in external recruitment, we have worked with dozens of successful companies of all sizes, from smaller start-ups to global leaders in their fields, across various industries.

We have been successfully filling positions ranging from specialist to top management roles not only domestically but also abroad.

We have worked with more than 80 % of our clients for three or more years.

Why Heat & Lark?

4 reasons why working with us makes sense and delivers results

A Boutique Approach

With fewer recruitment projects per consultant and a larger pool of time, we can provide high-quality, individualized care, adapt to the specific needs of our clients, and work creatively. We minimize the time it takes to find the right candidate without sacrificing the quality of the process.

This approach sets us apart from large recruitment agencies and allows us to handle recruitment projects efficiently.


As external recruitment specialists, we serve as an extended arm for our clients, acting as ambassadors on the job market and representing the company to potential collaborators.

Our work and reputation reflect on the perception of the client’s name in the marketplace. Therefore, we emphasize the highest standards of personal and professional ethics, honesty, integrity, and trust.

Exclusive Partnership

Our corporate philosophy is based on exclusive partnerships, which means that we carefully but humbly select companies in our sectors and industries with whom it makes mutual sense to work together. This brings significant benefits to our clients.

Unlike large staffing agencies, which often emphasize the constant expansion of their client portfolio, we focus on quality and building long-term partnerships.

By not working with a large number of companies in a particular industry, we are able to reach a broader pool of talent from an ethical and contractual standpoint. This allows our clients access to a larger pool of highly qualified candidates.

In other words, if we were to contract with many clients, our candidate network would shrink significantly.

Promptness and Efficiency

Thanks to our many years of intensive experience in our respective fields and industries, we have built close relationships with a large network of candidates.

This allows us to quickly identify suitable candidates and often present them within just a few days of the request.

We understand what motivates these candidates and what might prompt them to change jobs, enabling us to efficiently and accurately target the most relevant candidates and save our clients time.


“Hiring people is an art, not a science, and resumes can’t tell you whether someone will fit into a company’s culture.”

— Howard Schultz
ex-CEO Starbucks

step by step

How cooperation with us works

We know that choosing the right recruitment company is not easy. You need a partner who understands the workings and culture of your company, saves you time, and most importantly, gets you the results you want.

Take a look at what we do to make that happen.


To successfully fill a position, it is crucial to thoroughly understand the job description, requirements, and expectations. It is equally important to gain a deeper understanding of the company culture and the team in which the new colleague will be working.

The first step is a comprehensive research about the client. We ask a lot of questions, but by sharing information effectively, we don’t waste your time with repetition. The longer we work together, the easier and smoother our collaboration becomes.


For each recommended candidate, we prepare a report in which we briefly summarize the benefits and, where appropriate, point out important aspects to consider.


We will guide you through the entire process, from introducing you to potential candidates to negotiating the terms of cooperation with the selected candidate and their subsequent integration into your team.


Our work doesn’t end when the offer is accepted and the selected candidate joins. We maintain regular contact during the following periods to continuously verify the satisfaction of both parties involved.


Is there anything else you can think of?

How will you ensure the successful completion of your recruitment project?

We always strive to meet all client requirements as closely as possible. If we are unable to find the ideal candidate in the market, we discuss with the client how to adjust the requirements as sensitively as possible. Our goal is to work with you to find the optimal solution for your recruitment project.

How long will it take to find a suitable candidate?

We focus on quality, not quantity. We don’t want to give you false hopes or promises we can’t keep. That’s why we don’t provide hard deadlines but rather offer ongoing feedback and transparent communication.

The speed of finding a suitable candidate depends on many factors, such as the market situation, the specifics of the position, and the client’s requirements and preferences. Our priority is to start working on your assignment as soon as we agree to collaborate.

Thanks to our many years of intensive experience in the respective fields and industries, we have built close ties with an extensive network of candidates. This enables us to quickly identify suitable candidates and often present them within just a few days of the request. We understand what motivates them and what their possible reasons are for changing jobs.

Do you provide any guarantees on recommended candidates?

If during the trial period it turns out that the mutual cooperation is not optimal, we offer a free replacement candidate or a pro-rata refund of the invoiced amount in accordance with the termination period.

We strive to provide guarantees that give you peace of mind, ensuring we are primarily concerned with achieving an optimal solution to your employment needs.

Are you interested in how we do it?