Data Protection Policy

Information notice of Heat & Lark s.r.o. on the processing and protection of personal data

About the administrator

Heat & Lark s.r.o., ID No. 09862242, with registered office at Václavské náměstí 841/3, Nové Město, 110 00, Prague 1, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague under file No. C 343687 (hereinafter referred to as “Heat & Lark”), is a company that provides consultancy services in the field of recruitment and job placement

To provide its services, Heat & Lark processes the personal data of job seekers and contacted candidates, and to a limited extent also other natural persons, in its capacity as a data controller within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2016/79 of the European Parliament and the Council (“GDPR”). As Heat & Lark respects the protection of privacy and personal data, it informs the data subjects concerned about how it handles their data in its activities.


Contact details

In case of any questions, suggestions, or requests regarding personal data processed by Heat & Lark, the company can be contacted by email at or by phone at + 420 775 939 091.

Personal data processed, purpose and legal basis of processing:

  • Job applicants and contacted candidates

Heat & Lark processes in particular the personal data of natural persons who are approached by Heat & Lark or who apply to Heat & Lark for potential employment in positions filled by Heat & Lark clients (“candidates”).


Personal data processed

The data includes in particular:

  • name, surname, and contact details;
  • education and work experience, language skills, and other skills;
  • details of current employment or gainful activity;
  • any other data given or implied by the professional CV, including photographs or other pictorial material, gender, or nationality, as appropriate;
  • an indication of the salary agreed between the client and the candidate; any other information provided voluntarily or obtained in the course of providing the services.

In particular, Heat & Lark processes personal data voluntarily provided by candidates or their contact details available on social and professional networks and, to a limited extent, personal data provided by Heat & Lark clients.

Candidates’ data is processed for Heat & Lark’s provision of services, namely to conduct professional interviews and evaluate the suitability of the candidate for the position to be filled, as well as to maintain Heat & Lark’s internal database of candidates. Heat & Lark processes candidates’ data based on legitimate interests, whether its own or those of its clients, but also as a necessary step following a candidate’s request to provide employment to the candidate or directly leading to the conclusion of an employment contract or agreement between the client and the candidate.


Clients and suppliers

Heat & Lark’s clients are legal persons who are not covered by data protection regulations. However, to a limited extent, personal data of natural persons representing or acting on behalf of clients may be processed to the extent of their contact details or details of their employment. Such processing occurs for the performance of the contract with the client and is based on Heat & Lark’s legitimate interests (i.e. the interest in the proper conduct of its business). Should a natural person become a client of Heat & Lark, personal data will be processed for and based on the service contract, in particular in the scope of identification and contact data, bank connection data, and data on the services provided and their price.

The above applies mutatis mutandis to Heat & Lark suppliers and their representatives.


Website Visitors

Visitors to the Heat & Lark website are not required to enter or provide personal information to view the website. Heat & Lark’s servers automatically collect certain information about activities on this website, including IP address, type of browser used, and subpages visited, but Heat & Lark is unable to link this information to any specific person.

If a visitor to the website chooses to use the contact form, the website will store the name, email address, and other information provided by them as part of the message they would have submitted. Heat & Lark will only use this personal information for the purposes for which it was provided by the visitor. If the subject of a message sent via the contact form is the provision of a professional CV, please refer to section A for more information.

– Other

Heat & Lark also processes personal data of its employees and potential job applicants, however, the processing of personal data of these persons is not the subject of this information notice.



Heat & Lark maintains adequate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to secure the personal data processed against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, unauthorized alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, misuse, or any other unlawful form of processing of personal data. Personal data is stored in electronic form in a controlled and protected environment, secured by modern hardware and software data protection systems, and/or, exceptionally, in hard copy form with maximum security against access by unauthorized persons.


Retention period of personal data

Heat & Lark uses and retains personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes set out in this information notice. Unless a legal obligation to retain personal data for a longer period arises, (i) candidates’ data is retained for no longer than 2 years after it has been provided or updated, and (ii) the period of processing of personal data of clients, suppliers, and their representatives is determined by the validity and effectiveness of the concluded contract. Heat & Lark reserves the right to retain personal data for a longer period than that specified above if necessary for the performance or settlement of mutual claims with candidates, clients, or suppliers or, where applicable if it is only contact data.



Heat & Lark does not disclose personal data that Heat & Lark collects about data subjects to third parties, except as described in this privacy notice or where Heat & Lark otherwise expressly informs the data subject.

To properly provide its services, Heat & Lark sends its clients the personal data of candidates who have been evaluated as suitable candidates for the positions filled by its clients. For its proper functioning, it then shares the personal data of clients and suppliers who are natural persons and, to a limited extent where applicable, the identification data of candidates and representatives of clients and suppliers with an external accounting company. Exceptionally, IT system administrators or similar IT service providers may also have incidental access to personal data processed by Heat & Lark. In this context, Heat & Lark declares that it chooses its suppliers and other contractual partners carefully and only transfers personal data to reliable partners to the extent necessary.


Rights of data subjects

Data subjects are entitled to the following rights about their data:

  • the right of access to their data and the right to obtain information about the processing of their data that does not arise from this information notice;
  • the right to rectification of inaccurate or incomplete personal data;
  • the right to the erasure of personal data in specified cases;
  • the right to restrict the processing of personal data in specified cases;
  • the right to the portability of the personal data provided to Heat & Lark and processed by Heat & Lark by automated means, i.e. to obtain such personal data, or to transmit them to another controller, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format;
  • the right to object to processing on the grounds of legitimate interests;
  • the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data at any time if the processing is based on that consent;
  • the right to complain to a supervisory authority, which in the Czech Republic is the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Czech Republic.

Updating the information notice

This information notice may be updated at any time as a result of changes to Heat & Lark’s procedures for processing and protecting personal data. Data subjects will be informed of such changes by notice on the website.