Advisory Services

Advisory Services


Wide range of HR consulting services

This includes internal HR audit, change management, team and individual employee development and project management in the areas of well-being, diversity and inclusion, and the implementation of corporate values.

Last but not least, we offer mediation and facilitation to resolve disputes between colleagues, former employees, business partners or suppliers.

Project management

We offer complete HR project management, from initial focus groups with management and employees to implementation and follow-up. We prepare communication and change steps so that they are positively received in the company.

Examples of projects:

    • Implementing a well-being strategy and managing individual activities.
    • Implementation of diversity and inclusion strategy and management of individual activities.
    • Implementing company values and ensuring they live in the company.
Change Management

We have experience with change management in the implementation of new HR systems, organizational changes, and changes in management or company ownership.

HR audit and process setup

We conduct independent HR audits, analyze current processes and propose solutions suitable for specific companies.

After the audit, we assist with the development of guidelines as well as setting up processes for performance appraisal and talent management.

Facilitation of workshops

We help clients design and facilitate a range of team workshops to help, for example:

    • Increase the effectiveness of teamwork.
    • Identify the core competencies of the department and define the competencies needed for the future.
    • Improve teamwork, communication and setting mutual expectations.
    • Manage any changes in the company.

Alternate dispute resolution


Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party, called a mediator, helps two or more parties to a conflict reach an agreement. The mediator does not make decisions or pass judgements, but rather facilitates communication between the parties and encourages them to find mutually acceptable solutions.

The goal is to reach an agreement that is acceptable to all parties involved and that minimizes conflict and tension.

What are its advantages

Faster and cheaper than litigation:

  • Faster solutions at lower costs without long proceedings and high fees.

Less stressful and confrontational:

  • Less formal, more collaborative, reduces stress and avoids confrontation.

Maintains good relations between the parties:

  • Helps to maintain or improve relationships by emphasizing communication and cooperation.

Solutions tailored to specific needs:

  • Tailored solutions to specific needs and interests, leading to greater satisfaction.


In what environments does it help

In an employment environment:

  • Wage and working conditions disputes.
  • Workplace bullying and harassment.
  • Disagreements over terminations.
  • Conflicts between colleagues or teams.
  • Resolving conflicts related to discrimination in the workplace.

In a business environment:

  • Contract disputes.
  • Debt and payment problems.
  • Disagreements over the performance of obligations.
  • Conflicts between business partners.
  • Disputes over quality and delivery of goods or services.
  • Intellectual property disputes.

Interested in alternative dispute resolution without going to court?